Iran Travel guide – Iran tourist places
If you are planning to travel to Iran and you want to know Iran tourist places, you have chosen a suitable place.
Here we have collected summary information from more than 50 culture and nature attraction in Iran. You can choose the most attractive places and then customize your own trip to Iran and then leave the rest to us.
We will update this page to introduce you more Iran tourist places
Cave : Ali Sadr
Discovered in the 1950s, the natural cave of Ali Sadr is reputed to be the most beautiful in Iran. It can be visited by boat, allowing you to discover magnificent rooms dotted with stalactites.
City : Ardabil
Ardabil, today a city of 500,000 inhabitants, is said to have been founded in the 5th century under the Sassanid dynasty. Destroyed by the Mongols in 1120, it was chosen as a spiritual center by Safi al-Din, founder of a Sufi order. One of his distant descendants, Shah Ismâil I founded the Safavid dynasty there. Ardabil, center of carpet creation, was long renowned for its silk market. The impressive funerary complex whose heart is made up of the tomb of Safi al-Din fully justifies the stop in the city.
City :Arg-e Bam
The mountain of Bisutun hosts on its sides magnificent Achaemenid bas-reliefs retracing the exploits of Darius I. Numerous remains from the Seleucid, Parthian and Sassanid periods enrich the site.